14 Oct 2014

Here Comes the Sun

Hello again!

Why so soon, you ask? Because today was a beautiful day. Sunshine and clear skies. So you finally get to see what my campus looks like. Today I also went to 兴庆宫公园 Xingqinggong Gongyuan, a park that is very close to the university. The park is great, it has table tennis, badminton, Chinese chess, opera singers, all in one place. It's a wonderful place to escape to. 

The main building.

Square of the four great Chinese inventions: Paper, Gunpowder, Compass and Printing.
The library.
A rare pedestrian street.

The North Gate of Jiaotong University.

Flower arrangement for the National Holiday. Note that the flowers are not planted, they just remain in their pots. A phenomenon widely seen in China.

A wild coat rack.
A small temple inside the park.

Interesting boat design.
I found this in an abandoned corner of the park. Do any of you know what this is?

Chinese Word of the Day: 怀孕 huaiyun, pregnant. Don't worry, it's not me. I found a Chinese TV-series that is now occupying a lot of my time, which is about a girl who finds out she's 怀孕 after a one-night stand. 命中注定我爱你, if any of you are interested.

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